Lectures Delivered

1. Sutureless Cataract Surgery – Sankara Nethralaya, Chennai, March 1992
2. Wound Construction in Phacoemulsification , Sankara Nethrayala, July 1993
3. Automated Refractors (By Invitation), TNOA, Tuticorin, September 1993
4. Corneal Topography – Instrumentation, Workshop on Corneal Topography, SN, , October 1993
5. Dynamic Retinoscopy, All India Workshop on Clinical Refraction, SN, January 1994
6. Fundamentals of Biostatistics (Instruction Course), AIOS Meeting, Calcutta, January 1994
7. Corneal biopsy (Instruction Course), AIOS Meeting, Calcutta, January 1994
8. Clinical Trials (Instruction Course), AIOS Meeting, Calcutta, January 1994
9. Paediatric PK – (By Invitation), LV Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad, September 1994
10.Problems during the learning curve – Phacoemulsification (By Invitation), SN, October 1994
11.Role of corneal topography in refractive surgery (By Invitation), SN Alumni, October 1994
12.Postop Management of the Corneal Graft (By Invitation), Eye Bank Meeting, Bombay, Feb 1995
13.Fundamentals of Biostatistics (Instruction Course), AIOS Meeting, Bombay, February 1995
14.Corneal biopsy (Instruction Course), AIOS Meeting, Bombay, February 1995
15.Corneal Topography – An Overview (Instruction Course), AIOS Meeting, Bombay, February 1995
16.Photorefractive Keratectomy, (Instruction Course), AIOS Meeting, Bombay, February 1995
17.Excimer laser PRK (By invitation), Chennai Ophthalmological Society, Chennai, May 1995
18. New trends in anesthesia for cataract surgery, February, 1996
19. Paediatric Cataract Surgery (By invitation) – Nuffield Laboratory, Univ of Oxford, Sep1996
20. Clinical Trials (Instruction Course), AIOS Meeting, New Delhi, February 1997
21.Corneal biopsy (Instruction Course), AIOS Meeting, New Delhi, February 1997
22.Excimer Laser Instrumentation, (Instruction Course), AIOS Meeting, New Delhi, February 1997
23. Corneal Topography for the Clinician, (Instruction Course), AIOS Meeting, New Delhi, Feb 1997
24. Postkeratoplasty Astigmatism, (Instruction Course), AIOS Meeting, New Delhi, February 1997
25. Management of the Dry Eye Patient (By invitation), SMF, Chennai, March, 1997.
26.Wound construction in pediatric cataract surgery (By invitation),10th ICIMRK Meet, Sep 1997
27.Refractive Cataract Surgery (By invitation), Jalna, September 1997
28.Capsulorhexis – Pearls and Pitfalls (By invitation), Jalna, September 1997
29.Phacoemulsification – The Machine (By invitation), Jalna, September 1997
30.Management of the Fellow Eye in PRK (By invitation), Hyderabad, December 1997.
31.Contact Lens Fitting and Corneal Topography (By invitation), GOH, Chennai, January 1998.
32.Conjunctival Tumours, Sankara Nethralaya, Chennai, February, 1998.
33.Surgical management of corneal ulcers (By invitation), GOH, Chennai, April 1998
34.Limbal allografting (By invitation), GOH, Chennai, April 1998
35. My technique of cataract surgery (By invitation), Bangalore, June 1998
36. Surgical management of corneal ulcers (By invitation), Bangalore, October 1998
37. Limbal grafting (By invitation), Bangalore, October 1998
38. Ocular surface reconstruction (By invitation), Amritsar Ophthalmology, March 1999
39. Ocular surface diseases (By invitation), Jalna, March 2000
40. Capsulorhexis (By invitation), Jalna, March 2000
41. How to review a clinical article (By invitation), SROC, Chennai, April 2000
42. IOL power calculation after corneal refractive surgery (By invitation), Bangalore, July 2000
43. Techniques in ocular surface reconstruction (By invitation), Bangalore, July 2000
44. Internet search for Ophthalmologists (By invitation), AIOS Calcutta, February 2001
45. IOL power calculations after corneal refractive surgery (By invitation), Jalna, May 2001
46. Wound construction (By invitation), Akola, November 2001
47. Capsulorhexis (By invitation), Akola, November 2001
48. My technique of cataract surgery (By invitation), Akola, November 2001
49. Phacodynamics (By invitation), Akola, November 2001
50. Pediatric cataract surgery (By invitation), Akola, November 2001
51. IOL power calculations after corneal refractive surgery (By invitation) , Sussex, England
52. Iatrogenic keratectasia after LASIK (By invitation), Hyderabad, Februaury 2002
53. Limbal allografting – Technique and results (By invitation), Hyderabad, Februaury 2002
54. Pediatric cataract surgery – Practical tips (By invitation), Shantou, China, June 2002
55. Limbal Stem Cell Grafting, Shantou, China, June 2002
56. IOL power calculations after corneal refractive surgery, (By invitation), Shantou, June 2002
57. Medical management of the dry eye, (By invitation), MCOA, Chennai, July 2002
58. Refractive surgery, (Keynote address), Maharashtra Ophthalmic Association, Nashik, Oct 2002.
59. Corneal transplantation, (By invitation), Maharashtra Ophthalmic Association, Nashik, Oct 2002.
60. Complications of LASIK, (By invitation), SROC, Manipal, November 2002.
61. Stem cells in corneal disease, (By invitation), SROC, Manipal, November 2002.
62. Amniotic membrane transplantation, (By invitation), SROC, Manipal, November 2002.
63. Pediatric cataract surgery, (By invitation), Orbis, Chennai, November 2002.
64. Limbal allografting – A Clinical Perspective, (By invitation), SERI ARVO, Singapore Feb 2003.
65. Pediatric cataract surgery, ASCRS, San Francisco, April 2003
66. Diffuse lamellar keratitis, ASCRS, San Francisco, April 2003
67. Management of microbial keratitis, (By invitation), Coimbatore, August 2003
68. Dry eye therapy, (By invitation), Coimbatore, August 2003
69. Immunological lesions of the cornea, (By invitation), Trivandrum, September 2003
70. Tectonic corneal surgery, (By invitation), Trivandrum, September 2003
71. Medical treatment of dry eye disease, (By invitation), Trivandrum, September 2003
72. Corneal surgery in difficult situations, (By invitation), Mumbai, October 2003
73. Pediatric cataract surgery, (By invitation), Mumbai, October 2003
74. Scleral fixated intraocular lenses, (By invitation), Mumbai, October 2003
75. Corneal surgery in difficult situations, (By invitation), Mumbai, October 2003
76. Ocular surface reconstruction, (By invitation), Mumbai, October 2003
77. Dry eye management, (By invitation), Mumbai, October 2003
77. Eye banking in India, (By invitation), Varanasi, January 2004
78. IOL power calculation after refractive surgery, (By invitation), Varanasi, January 2004
79. Corneal trauma and its management, (By invitation), Varanasi, January 2004
80. Management of corneal graft rejection, (By invitation), Varanasi, January 2004
81. Corneal flap complications in LASIK, (By invitation), Varanasi, January 2004
82. Ocular surgery in Dry eye, (By invitation), Varanasi, January 2004
83. Surgical management of dry eye, (By invitation), Varanasi, January 2004
84. Amniotic membrane transplantation, (By invitation), Mumbai, February 2004
85. Lamellar corneal surgery, (By invitation), Mumbai, February 2004
86. Keratoprosthesis – An update, (By invitation), Mumbai, February 2004
87. Management of traumatic cataracts, (By invitation), Jalna, April 2004
88. Iris trauma, (By invitation), Jalna, April 2004
89. Infectious keratitis, (By invitation), Chennai, July 2004
90. Peripheral ulcerative keratitis, (By invitation), Shantou, China, September 2004
91. Capsulorhexis, (By invitation), Shantou, China, September 2004
92. Osteo-odonto keratoprosthesis, (By invitation), Shantou, China, October 2004
93. Scleral fixated IOLs, (By invitation), Shantou, China, October 2004
94. Limbal stem cell transplantation, (By invitation), Shantou, China, November 2004
95. Ocular surface squamous neoplasia, (By invitation), Shantou, China, November 2004
96. Scleral fixated IOLs, (By invitation), Hong Kong, China, September 2004
97. Osteo-odonto keratoprosthesis, (By invitation), Hong Kong, China, October 2004
98. Corneal transplantation in difficult situations, (By invitation), Guangzhou, China, November 2004
99. Management of the itchy, burny eye, (By invitation), Chennai, December 2004
100. IOL Power calculatiuons after refractive surgery, (By invitation), Chennai, December 2004
101. Phacodynamics, (By invitation), Hong Kong, China, January 2005
102. Stem cells of the ocular surface, (By invitation), Hong Kong, China, January 2005
103. Cataract surgery – a review, (By invitation), Lhasa, Tibet, April 2005
104. Phacoemulsification – My approach, (By invitation), Kunming, China, August 2005
105. Phacodynamics, (By invitation), Shanotu, China, October 2005
106. Epithelial ingrowths – Management, (Instruction Course), Kuala Lumpur, September 2005
107. Phaco wound construction, (Instruction Course), Kuala Lumpur, September 2005
108. Component corneal replacement, (Instruction Course), Kuala Lumpur, September 2005
109. Hydroprocedures, (Instruction Course), Kuala Lumpur, September 2005
110. Conjunctival pigmentation in vernal conjunctivitis, (By invitation), WOC, Brazil, February 2006
111. Epithelial growths on and in the eye, (By invitation), WOC, Brazil, February 2006
112. Phacotips in cataract surgery, (Instruction Course), AIOS, Bhopal, India, January 2006
113. Fourth generation Fluoroquinolones, (Instruction Course), AIOS, Bhopal, India, January 2006
114. PC management in pediatric cataract, (Instruction Course), AIOS, Bhopal, India, January 2006
115. Writing for a peer-reviewed journal, (Instruction Course), AIOS, Bhopal, India, January 2006
116. Laser ablation complications, (Instruction Course), AIOS, Bhopal, India, January 2006
117. Component corneal replacement?, (Instruction Course), AIOS, Bhopal, India, January 2006
118. Corneal scrape and biopsy, (Instruction Course), AIOS, Bhopal, India, January 2006
119. Phaco in cataracts with loose zonules, (Instruction Course), AIOS, Bhopal, India, January 2006
120. Evolution of lamellar corneal surgery, (Keynote address), AIOS, Bhopal, India, January 2006
121.DSEK, (Instruction Course), AIOS, Bhopal, India, January 2006
122. Phacodynamics, (Instruction Course), AIOS, Bhopal, India, January 2006
123. Evidence based pterygium surgery, (Instruction Course), AIOS, Bhopal, India, January 2006
124. Complications in phaco surgery, (Instruction Course), AIOS, Bhopal, India, January 2006
125. IOL power after refractive surgery, (Instruction Course), AIOS, Bhopal, India, January 2006
126. Pterygium management , (Instruction Course), ASCRS, San Francisco, March 2006
127. SLIMCE – Steps and Pearls, (Instruction Course), ASCRS, San Francisco, March 2006
128. SLIMCE , (Instruction Course), ASCRS, San Francisco, March 2006
129. Sulcus fixation of the capsular bag, (Instruction Course), ASCRS, San Francisco, March 2006
130. Fourth generation Fluoroquinolones, (Symposium), APAO, Singapore, June 2006
131. Itchy Burny Eye – Algorithm for Management , (Symposium), APAO, Singapore, June 2006
132. Custom Q for advanced corneal ablation, (Symposium), APAO, Singapore, June 2006
133. Patterns of eye diseases in Hong Kong, (Symposium), APAO, Singapore, June 2006
134. LASIK – The basics, Assam Ophthalmological Society Meeting, Shillong, October 2006
135. LASIK ablation complications, Assam Ophthalmological Society Meeting, Shillong, Oct 2006
136. Evolution of lamellar corneal surgery, Assam Ophthal Society Meeting, Shillong, October 2006
137. Ocular surface reconstruction, (Instruction Course), AAO, Las Vegas, November 2006
138. LASIK infections, (Instruction Course), AAO, Las Vegas, November 2006
139. Cataract surgery in subluxed lenses, (Instruction Course), AAO, Las Vegas, November 2006
140. Pediatric cataract surgery, (Instruction Course), AAO, Las Vegas, November 2006
141. stem cell replacement, (Instruction Course), AAO, Las Vegas, November 2006
142. OOKP, (Instruction Course – Chief Instructor), AAO, Las Vegas, October 2006
143. Limbal stem cell transplantation, (By Invitation), Mumbai, November 2006
144. Pediatric Cataract Surgery, (By Invitation), Coimbatore, February 2007
145. Corneal Infections Update, (By Invitation), Vellore, March 2007
146. Ocular Surface Reconstruction, (By Invitation), Chennai, March 2007
147. OOKP – an update, (By Invitation), Lucknow, March 2007
148. Lamellar Corneal Surgery, (By Invitation), Lucknow, March 2007
149. Recent advances in corneal surgery, (By Invitation, Hong Kong, March 2007
150. Corneal Infections (By Invitation), Bangalore, March 2007
151. The Itchy Burny Eye, (By Invitation), Bangalore, March 2007
152. Phacochop, (By Invitation), Trivandrum, April 2007
153. SLIMCE – Sutureless Cataract Surgery, Phacochop, (By Invitation), Trivandrum, April 2007
154. Subluxed lens management, Phacochop, (By Invitation), Trivandrum, April 2007
155. Corneal Microkeratomes, (By Invitation), Coimbatore, June 2007
156. Corneal infections and Fluoroquinolones, (By Invitation), Kuala Lumpur, June 2007
157. Advanced Corneal Surgery, (By Invitation), Chennai, June 2007
158. Corneal infections – Management Paradigms, (By Invitation), Trivandrum, July 2007
159. Keratoconus – How do you manage?, (By Invitation), Trivandrum, July 2007
160. Surgical management of Pediatric cataract, (By Invitation), Palghat, July 2007
161. IOL power alculations after refractive surgery, (By Invitation), Palghat, July 2007
162. Advances in Corneal Surgery, (By Invitation), Vellore, August 2007
163. The Itchy Burny Eye, (By Invitation), Vellore, August 2007
164. Anterior Lamellar Corneal Replacement, (By Invitation), Mumbai, September 2007
165. OOKP and its role in end stage ocular disease, (By Invitation), Mumbai, September 2007
166. Pterygium management, (By Invitation), Stockholm, September 2007
167. Surgical management of fungal infections, (By Invitation), Stockholm, September 2007
168. Pediatric PK management, (By Invitation), Stockholm, September 2007
169. Posterior Lamellar Corneal Replacement, (By Invitation), Chennai, September 2007
170. Advances in Corneal Surgery, (By Invitation), Trichur, September 2007
171. Pediatric cataract surgery, (By Invitation), Stockholm, September 2007
172. Prevalence of dry eye in the Asia-Pacific region, (By Invitation), Goa, September 2007
173. The Red Eye, (By Invitation), Chennai, October 2007
174. Microkeratomes, (By Invitation), Kolkata, October 2007
175. Ectasia after LASIK, (By Invitation), Vizhag, November 2007
176. OOKP, (By Invitation), Vizhag, November 2007
177. Subluxed lens management, (By Invitation), Vizhag, November 2007
178. Management of black and white cataracts, (By Invitation), Vizhag, November 2007
179. OOKP, (By Invitation), Pondicherry, November 2007
180. Posterior Lamellar Corneal Replacement, (By Invitation), Pondicherry, November 2007
181. Amniotic membrane transplants, (By Invitation), Chennai Cornea Club, November 2007
182. Keratoconus – lamellar corneal transplants, (By Invitation), KSOS, Palghat, Nov 2007
183. Ocular surface reconstruction, (By Invitation), KSOS, Palghat, Nov 2007
184. Pterygium – management paradigms, (Keynote address), KSOS, Palghat, Nov 2007
185. Corneal Infections, (Keynote Address), CSOS, Raipur, December 2007
186. Newer Advances in Corneal Surgery, (Invited Lecture), CSOS, Raipur, December 2007
187. Pterygium Management – My approach, (Invited Lecture), CSOS, Raipur, December 2007
188. Ocular Surface Reconstruction, (Invited Lecture), CSOS, Raipur, December 2007
189. Corneal Infections – Past, Present, and Future, (Keynote Address), KL, December 2007
190. The Itchy, Burny Eye, (Invited Lecture), KL, December 2007
191. Corneal surgery – Recent Advances, (Invited Lecture), KL, December 2007
192. Fluoroquinolones – Their role in ocular infections, (Invited Lecture), KL, December 2007
193. Delivered 4 lectures at the FRCS Instruction Course, Beijing, Jan 2008
194. Current knowledge on dry eye in the Asia Pacific, (Invited Lecture), Goa, Jan 2008
195. Approach to the Itchy Burny Eye, (Invited Lecture), Kochi, April 2008
196. Medical management of ocular surface disease, (Invited Lecture), Kolkata, April 2008
197. Surgical management of ocular surface disease, (Invited Lecture), Kolkata, April 2008
198. Paradigms in the management of ocular allergies, (Invited Lecture), Goa, May 2008
199. Ocular allergies – approach to a patient, (Invited lecture), Kolkata, June 2008
200. Ocular allergies – management paradigms, (Invited lecture), Kolkata, June 2008
201. Pterygium Surgery, (Invited Lecture), Assam, June 2008
202. Ocular surface reconstruction, (Invited Lecture), Assam, June 2008
203. Ocular surface disease – Approach, (Invited Lecture), Assam, June 2008
204. Corneal infections, (Invited Lecture), Assam, June 2008
205. Pterygium Surgery, (Invited Lecture), Pondicherry, June 2008
206. Ocualr allergy management, (Invited Lecture), Pondicherry, June 2008
207. Pterygium surgery, (Invited Lecture), WOC, HK, June 2008
208. EK – Evolution and present status, (Invited Lecture), WOC, HK, June 2008
209. Red eye that would not go away, (Invited Lecture), WOC, HK, June 2008
210. LK for tectonic purposes, (Invited Lecture), WOC, HK, June 2008
211. Keratoprosthesis – When all else fails, (Invited Lecture), IIRS, Chennai, July 2008
212. Successful innovations in Marketing, (Invited Lecture), CII Meet, Chennai, August 2008
213. OOKP, (Invited Lecture), SAARC, New Delhi, August 2008
214. Peripheral ulcerative keratitis, (Invited Lecture), SAARC, New Delhi, August 2008
215. Pterygium surgery. (Invited Lecture), Chinglepet, 31 August 2008
216. Advances in corneal surgery, (Invited Lecture), Chinglepet, 31 August 2008
217. Scleral fixated IOLs, (Invited Lecture), Kolkata, September 2008
218. MOOKP – Our results, ESCRS, Berlin, September 2008
219. How to publish peer-reviewed literature, (Invited Lecture), Vijayawada, September 2008
220. Making an effective presentation, (Invited Lecture), Vijayawada, September 2008
221. Recent advances in Corneal Surgery, (Gold Medal Oration), Vijayawada, September 2008
222. Corneal Topography, (Invited lecture), Chennai, October 2008
223. OSD – Approach to Management, (Invited lecture), Chennai, October 2008
224. Sutureless corneal transplants, (Invited lecture), Bangalore, October 2008
225. OSD – Medical Management, (Invited lecture), Kolkata, October 2008
226. OSD – Surgical Management, (Invited lecture), Kolkata, October 2008
227. Infection prophylaxis in cataract surgery, (Invited lecture),EyeDu, Hyderabad, March 2009
228. Corneal ulcer – Institution vs Clinic, (Invited lecture),EyeDu, Hyderabad, March 2009
229. Anti-inflammatory strategies in dry eye, (Invited lecture),EyeDu, Hyderabad, March 2009
230. Videoconference in red eye, (Invited lecture),Cipla, Chennai, April 2009
231. Vision restoration in keratoconus, (Invited lecture),NOA, Nasik, April 2009
232. DALK, (Invited lecture),NOA, Nasik, April 2009
233. DSEK, (Invited lecture),NOA, Nasik, April 2009
234. IOL power after refractive surgery, (Invited lecture),NOA, Nasik, April 2009
235. Corneal surgery – The Future, (Invited lecture),NOA, Nasik, April 2009
236. Dry eye management, (Invited lecture),Chennai, April 2009
237. Keratoconus management, (Invited lecture),Bangalore, April 2009
238. OSD – Management (Invited lecture),Bangalore, April 2009
239. IOL power after refractive surgery, (Invited lecture), APAO, Bali, May 2009
240. DALK, (Invited lecture), APAO, Bali, May 2009
241. DSEK – Current status, (Invited lecture), APAO, Bali, May 2009
242. Therapeutic corneal grafts, (Invited lecture), APAO, Bali, May 2009
243. Refractive surgery algorithm, (Invited lecture), APAO, Bali, May 2009
244. Surface ablation – evolution, (Invited lecture), APAO, Bali, May 2009
245. MOOKP – technique and results, (Invited lecture), APAO, Bali, May 2009
246. LASIK for the general ophthalmologist, (Invited lecture), Vellore, June 2009
247. Cataract pot pourri, (Invited lecture), Vellore, June 2009
248. Eye Care for All (IAOH Gold Medal Oration), Chennai, September 2009
249. Keratoconus management (Dr TT Ramalingam Gold Medal Lecture), September 2009
250. Optimizing tear film function in Special Situations, (Invited Lecture), Chennai, October 2009
251. Keratoconus management, (Invited Lecture), Nellore, November 2009
252. Optimizing tear film function, (Invited Lecture), Nellore, November 2009
253. Pterygium management, (Invited Lecture), Kolkata, November 2009
254. Keratoconus management, (Invited Lecture), Kolkata, November 2009
255. Optimizing tear film function, (Invited Lecture), Vizhag, December 2009
256. Recent Advances in Corneal Surgery, (Invited Lecture), Pune, December 2009
257. Recent Advances in Corneal Surgery, (Invited Lecture), Hyderabad, December 2009
258. Cataract Surgery – Past, Present & Future, (Invited Lecture), Hyderabad, December 2009
259. Ocular surface and Glaucoma, (Invited Lecture), AIOS Kolkata, January 2010
260. Post LASIK Ectasia, (Invited Lecture), AIOS Kolkata, January 2010
261. Ocular Allergies, (Invited Lecture), AIOS Kolkata, January 2010
262. New therapies for Dry Eye, (Invited Lecture), AIOS Kolkata, January 2010
263. Cataract surgery with zonule loss, (Invited Lecture), AIOS Kolkata, January 2010
264. Complications of DALK, (Invited Lecture), AIOS Kolkata, January 2010
265. DESK – Technique and Outcomes, (Invited Lecture), AIOS Kolkata, January 2010
266. The Road to Excellence – My experience, (Invited Lecture), CUHK, HK, February 2010
267. Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty, (Invited Lecture), Mumbai, February 2010
268. Diagnosis and Management of Dry Eye, (Invited Lecture), Mumbai, February 2010
269. Pterygium surgery, (Invited Lecture), Mumbai, February 2010
270. DSEK, (Invited Lecture), Bangalore, February 2010
271. Ocular surface disease, (Invited Lecture), Bangalore, February 2010
271. MOOKP, (Invited Lecture), Bangalore, February 2010
272. Optimizing Laser Correction Outcomes, (Invited Lecture), Chennai, February 2010
273. Phaco – Advanced options, (Invited Lecture), Chinglepet, March 2010
274. Managing phaco complications, (Invited Lecture), Chinglepet, March 2010
275. Phacodynamics, LVP, (Invited Lecture), Vizhag, March 2010
276. SF IOL, LVP, Vizhag, (Invited Lecture), March 2010
277. Monofocal IOLs – How good are they?, (Invited Lecture), LVP, Vizhag, March 2010
278. Presbyopia Solutions, LVP, (Invited Lecture), Vizhag, March 2010
279. Corneal Ectasia, Recognition and Management, (Invited Lecture),LVP, Vizhag, March 2010
280. Cataract surgery in corneal disease, (Invited Lecture), Chennai, March 2010
281. OSD – Medical and Surgical Management, (Invited Lecture), Anand, April 2010
282. LASIK – Optimizing patient outcomes, (Invited Lecture), Anand, April 2010
282. Corneal Crystals, (Invited Lecture), Apollo Hospitals, April 2010
283. The Cornea in Systemic Disease, (Invited Lecture), Apollo Hospitals, April 2010
284. Corneal infections, (Invited Lecture), Sankara Hospitals, Bangalore, May 2010
285. Pterygium Surgery, (Invited Lecture), ISIS, Trivandrum, May 2010
286. Ocular Surface Reconstruction, (Invited Lecture), ISIS, Trivandrum, May 2010
287. Ocular surface inflammation, (Invited Lecture), Chennai, June 2010
288. Red eye, (Invited Lecture), Chennai, June 2010
289. Red eye, (Invited Lecture), Thailand, June 2010
290. Pterygium, (Invited Lecture), Kalpavriksha, Chennai, August 2010
291. Corneal topography, (Invited Lecture), Kalpavriksha, Chennai, August 2010
292. Corneal ulcers, (Invited Lecture), Kalpavriksha, Chennai, August 2010
293. Congenital cataract and corneal opacities, (Invited Lecture), Kalpavriksha, Chennai, August 2010
294. Dry eye in India, (Invited Lecture), Beijing, September 2010
295. Excimer surface ablation, (Invited Lecture), Beijing, September 2010
296. Pterygium, (Invited Lecture), Beijing, September 2010
297. Advanced surface ablation, (Invited Lecture), Beijing, September 2010
298. Conjunctival diseases, (Invited Lecture), Beijing, September 2010
299. Sutureless cataract surgery, (Invited Lecture), Beijing, September 2010
300. Posterior lamellar corneal surgery, (Invited Lecture), Beijing, September 2010
301. Therapeutic keratoplasty, (Invited Lecture), Beijing, September 2010
302. Sutureless corneal surgery, (Invited Lecture), Beijing, September 2010
303. How to prepare students for ICO exam, (Invited Lecture), Beijing, September 2010
304. Keratoprosthesis, (Invited Lecture), Beijing, September 2010
305. Post corneal transplant management, (Invited Lecture), Beijing, September 2010
306. Stem cell transplants, (Invited Lecture), Beijing, September 2010
307. Amniotic membrane transplants, (Invited Lecture), Beijing, September 2010
308. Ocular Surface Disease, (Invited Lecture), Darshan CME, Chennai, September 2010
309. Dry Eye Management, (Invited Lecture), APOS, Hyderabad, September 2010
310. Recent advances in Corneal Surgery, (Invited Lecture), Cochin, September 2010
311. LASIK complication management, (Invited Lecture), Cochin, September 2010
312. Pediatric Cataract Surgery, (Invited Lecture), Coimbatore, October 2010
313. Scleral fixated IOLs, (Invited Lecture), Coimbatore, October 2010
314. Recent advances in Corneal Surgery, (Invited Lecture), Singapore, November 2010
315. Recalcitrant Red Eye, (Invited Lecture), Singapore, November 2010
316. Dry Eye Management, (Invited Lecture), Manila, November 2010
317. Ocular Surface Disease, (Invited Lecture), Chennai, November 2010
318. Corneal ulcer management, (Invited Lecture), Guwahati, November 2010
319.Tear dysfunction after cataract surgery, (Invited Lecture), Guwahati, November 2010
320. Basics of Ocular Surface Disease, (Invited Lecture), Guwahati, November 2010
321. Small incision Cataract Surgery, (Invited Lecture), Sydney, March 2011
322. Management of the severely damaged ocular surface, (Invited Lecture), Sydney, March 2011
323. Corneal trauma management, (Invited Lecture), Sydney, March 2011
325. Dry Eye in India, (Invited Lecture), Sydney, March 2011
326. Recent advances in corneal surgery, (Oration), Akola, April 2011
327. Fungal keratitis, (Invited Lecture), Akola, April 2011
328. Dry eye in cataract Surgery (Invited Lecture), Chennai, June 2011
329. Pathogenesis of dry eye – Current concepts, (Invited Lecture), Baroda, July 2011
330. Role of Osmoprotection and Cyclosporine, (Invited Lecture), Baroda, July 2011
331. Recent concepts in the management of Blepharitis, (Invited Lecture), Baroda, July 2011
332. Pterygium surgery, (Invited Lecture), Baroda, July 2011
333. Unilateral limbal stem cell deficiency, (Invited Lecture), Baroda, July 2011
335. Advanced Vernal conjunctivitis – Management, (Invited Lecture), Baroda, July 2011
336. Recent Advances in Corneal Surgery, (Oration), Hyderabad, July 2011
337.LASIK – Selection and Indications, (Invited Lecture), Chennai, August 2011
338. LASIK – Complications and Management, (Invited Lecture), Chennai, August 2011
339. Keratoplasty Indications, (Invited Lecture), Chennai, August 2011
340. Keratoplasty Complications, (Invited Lecture), Chennai, August 2011
341. Approach to Corneal Infections, (Invited Lecture), Chennai, September 2011
342. Update on Lamellar Keratoplasty, (Invited Lecture), Hong Kong, September 2011
343. Pediatric Cataract Surgery, (Invited Lecture), Coimbatore, December 2011
344. Cataract Surgery in Dry Eye, (Invited Lecture), Coimbatore, December 2011
345. Cataract Surgery Complications, (Invited Lecture), Coimbatore, December 2011
346. Keratoconus Management, (Invited Lecture), Chennai, December 2011
347. OOKP – Technique and Results, (Invited Lecture), Kochi, February 2012
348. Scleral fixated IOLs, (Invited Lecture), Kochi, February 2012
349. Ocular surgery in Dry eye, (Invited Lecture), Kochi, February 2012
350. Anterior lamellar keratoplasty, (Invited Lecture), Abu Dhabi, February 2012
351. Dry eye – An Indian Perspective, (Invited Lecture), Abu Dhabi, February 2012
352. OOKP – is it worth the effort, (Invited Lecture), Hyderabad, March 2012
353. CXL – are we doing too much, (Invited Lecture), Hyderabad, March 2012
355. Amniotic and Mucous membrane grafting, (Invited Lecture), Hyderabad, March 2012
356. Dry eye and Cataract Surgery, (Invited Lecture), Trivandrum, April 2012
357. Interesting Case Presentation, (Invited Lecture), Trivandrum, April 2012
358. Dry Eye Therapy – recent Advances, (Plenary Lecture), Bangkok, April 2012
359. Case Based Teaching, (Invited Lecture), Bangkok, March 2012
360. Cataract Surgery after LASIK, (Instruction Course), Busan, April 2012
361. Traumatic cataract management, (Instruction Course), Busan, April 2012
362. The Itchy Burny Eye, (Instruction Course), Busan, April 2012
363. Allergic Conjunctivitis, (Instruction Course), Busan, April 2012
364. OOKP – when nothing else will work, (Instruction Course), Busan, April 2012
365. Corneal Topography, (Instruction Course), Busan, April 2012
366. Corneal infections, (Invited Lecture), Trichur, June 2012
367. Keratoconus update, (Invited Lecture), Trichur, June 2012
368. Dry eye, (Invited Lecture), Trichur, June 2012
369. Scleral contact lenses, (Invited Lecture), Chennai, July 2012
370. The Itchy Burny Eye, (Invited Lecture), Chennai, July 2012
371. Lamellar Keratoplasty, (Invited Lecture), TNOA, Salem, August 2012
372. OOKP, (Invited Lecture), TNOA, Salem, August 2012
373. Corneal Topography, (Invited Lecture), TNOA, Salem, August 2012
374. Breakfast with Experts, (Invited Lecture), TNOA, Salem, August 2012
375. Webcast on Dry eye, (Invited Lecture), Salem, August 2012
376. Corneal Ectasia, (Invited Lecture), Kalpavriksha, August 2012
377. Corneal inflammations, (Invited Lecture), Kalpavriksha, August 2012
378. Infectious keratitis, (Invited Lecture), Kalpavriksha, August 2012
379. Stem cells in Ophthalmology, (Invited Lecture), Kalpavriksha, August 2012
380. Penetrating Keratoplasty, (Invited Lecture), Kalpavriksha, August 2012
381. Eye Banking, (Invited Lecture), Kalpavriksha, August 2012
383. Corneal Trauma, (Invited Lecture), Kalpavriksha, August 2012
384. Dry eye management, (Invited Lecture), OSAB, Shanghai, November 2012
385. Algorithmic approach to Dry Eye Management, (Invited Lecture), Hong Kong, December 2012
386. Dry eye disease, (Invited Lecture), Alcon Symposium, AIOS, Hyderabad, January 2013
387. LASIK complications, (Invited Lecture), Instruction Course, AIOS, Hyderabad, January 2013
388. DALK, (Invited Lecture), Instruction Course, AIOS, Hyderabad, January 2013
389. Pterygium Surgery, (Invited Lecture), Instruction Course, AIOS, Hyderabad, January 2013
390. DM detachement management, (Invited Lecture), TNOA, Chennai, August 2013
391. Keratoconus management, (Invited Lecture), TNOA, Chennai, August 2013
392. OOKP, (Invited Lecture), TNOA, Chennai, August 2013
393. Pathogenesis of Dry Eye, (Invited Lecture), Vadodara, August 2013
394. Role of osmoprotectionin dry eye, (Invited Lecture), Vadodara, August 2013
395. Management of LSC deficiency, (Invited Lecture), Vadodara, August 2013
396. Ocular allergies, (Invited Lecture), Vadodara, August 2013
397. Management of Blepharitis, (Invited Lecture), Vadodara, August 2013
398. Pterygium surgery, (Invited Lecture), Vadodara, August 2013
399. LASIK – my technique, (Invited Lecture), Vadodara, August 2013
400. LASIK complications, (Invited Lecture), Vadodara, August 2013
401. Corneal topography, (Invited Lecture), Vadodara, August 2013
402. The language of refractive surgery, (Invited Lecture), Hyderabad, August 2013
403. Management of post LASIK ectasia, (Invited Lecture), Hyderabad, August 2013
404. IOL power calculations after LASIK, (Invited Lecture), Hyderabad, August 2013
405. Eye banking, (Invited Lectures), Kalpavriksha, Chennai, August 2013
406. LSC deficiency, Kalpavriksha, Chennai, August 2013
407. Corneal inflammation, Kalpavriksha, Chennai, August 2013
408. OSD, Kalpavriksha, Chennai, August 2013
409. OOKP, (Invited Lectures), Pondy, September 2013
410. LASIK complications, (Invited Lectures), Pondy, September 2013
411. OOKP, (Invited Lectures), RIOGOH, Chennai, September 2013
412. Surgical management of Corneal Infections, (Invited Lecture), Keracon, Goa, December 2013
413. Excimer laser retreatment, (Invited Lecture), Keracon, Goa, December 2013
414. Limits of excimer laser surgery, (Invited Lecture), Keracon, Goa, December 2013
415. Immunosuppressives in Ophthalmology, (Invited Lecture), Keracon, Goa, December 2013
416. Ocular surface staining – the Basics, (Invited Lecture), Keracon, Goa, December 2013
417. OOKP – the final frontier, (Invited Lecture), Keracon, Goa, December 2013
418. OOKP – the challenges, (Invited Lecture), Keracon, Goa, December 2013
419. Pterygium surgery, (Invited Lecture), Keracon, Goa, December 2013
420. Keratoprostheses, (Invited Lecture), Vellore Ophthalmic Society, Vellore, December 2013
421. Cornea for the Clinician, (Invited Lecture), Mangalore Oph Society, Mangalore, December 2013
422. Accelerated CXL, (Invited Lecture), AIOS, Agra, February 2014
423. Approach to Dry Eye, (Invited Lecture), AIOS, Agra, February 2014
424. Iatrogenic corneal trauma, (Invited Lecture), AIOS, Agra, February 2014
425. KPro – the results, (Invited Lecture), AIOS, Agra, February 2014
426. Tectonic DALK, (Invited Lecture), AIOS, Agra, February 2014
427. Corneal infections, (Invited Lecture), Chinglepet Oph Society, Chinglepet, March 2014
428. LASIK complication management, (Invited Lecture), Cornea Meet, Chennai, May 2014
429. Ectasia Dectection, (Invited Lecture), Cataract & Refractive Surgery Meet, Chennai, June 2014
430, Lasik flap, (Invited Lecture), Cataract and Refractive Surgery Meet, Chennai, June 2014
431. Surgical management of LSC deficiency, BOS, (Invited Lecture), Bangalore, June 2014
432. How to explain the value of a Toric IOL, (Invited Lecture), TNOA, Coimbatore, July 2014
433. Some surfaces are worth protecting, (Invited Lecture), TNOA, Coimbatore, July 2014
434. Surgical options or LSC deficiency, (Invited Lecture), TNOA, Coimbatore, July 2014
435. DSEK complications and management, (Invited Lecture), TNOA, Coimbatore, July 2014
436. Routine lubricants in Cataract Surgery, (Invited Lecture), TNOA, Coimbatore, July 2014
437. An Organized approach in Medicine, (Invited Lecture), SCOPE, Chennai, August 2014
438. Ocular Surface Disorders, (Invited Lecture), Kalpavriksha, Chennai, August 2014
439. Corneal Ectasia Management, (Invited Lecture), Kalpavriksha, Chennai August 2014
440. Differential diagnosis of Keratitis, (Invited Lecture), Kalpavriksha, Chennai August 2014
441. Managing corneal inflammations, (Invited Lecture), Kalpavriksha, Chennai August 2014
442. Stem cells in Ophthalmology, (Invited Lecture), Kalpavriksha, Chennai August 2014
443. Ocular Surface Disorder management, (Invited Lecture), Allergan Meet, Kolkata August 2014
444. Successful Keratoplasty, (Invited Lecture), COS, Calicut , September 2014
445. Pterygium surgery, (Invited Lecture), COS, Calicut , September 2014
446. Keratoprostheses, (Invited Lecture), COS, Calicut , September 2014
447. Conjunctival surgery, (Invited Lecture), KSOS, Thrissur, November 2014
448. Ocular surface Reconstruction, (Invited Lecture), KSOS, Thrissur, November 2014
449. Conjunctivochalasis, (Invited Lecture), KSOS, Thrissur, November 2014
450. Corneal Infections – Unusual organisms, (Invited Lecture), KSOS, Thrissur, November 2014
451. Conjunctival surgery, (Invited Lecture), KSOS, Thrissur, November 2014
452. Viral keratitis, (Invited Lecture), KSOS, Thrissur, November 2014
453. Red Eye Management, (Invited Lecture), Horizons, Taipei, December 2014
454. DALK – Surgical anatomy, (Invited Lecture), Keracon, Chennai, December 2014
455. PK – Current understanding, (Invited Lecture), Keracon, Chennai, December 2014
456. Sterile vitritis in KPro, (Discussant), Keracon, Chennai, December 2014
457. Eye Banking, (Discussant), Keracon, Chennai, December 2014
458. Corneal Trauma, (Moderator), Keracon, Chennai, December 2014
459. Ocular Surface Tumors, (Moderator), Keracon, Chennai, December 2014
460. Ocular Surface Panorama, (Moderator), Keracon, Chennai, December 2014
461. Scleral fixated IOL, (Invited lecture), Tirunelveli, January 2015
462. IOL power after LASIK, (Invited lecture), Tirunelveli, January 2015
463. Managing the patient with ocular surface symptoms, (Invited lecture), Tirunelveli, January 2015
464. Corneal examination techniques, (Invited lecture), iFocus, Hyderabad, January 2015
465. Ocular surface disease, (Invited lecture), iFocus, Hyderabad, January 2015
466. Ocular surface reconstruction, (Invited lecture), iFocus, Hyderabad, January 2015
467. Hands on for Cataract and Cornea, (Invited lecture), iFocus, Hyderabad, January 2015
468. Penetrating Keratoplasty, (Invited lecture), Kottayam, February 2015
469. Red eye, (Invited lecture), MCOA, Chennai, March 2015
470. Being organized, SCOPE, (Invited lecture), Chennai, March 2015
471. Complex anterior segment trauma, (Invited lecture), APAO, Guangzhou, March 2015
472. Limbal stem cell dysfunction, (Invited lecture), APAO, Guangzhou, March 2015
473. Divide and Conquer cataract surgery, (Invited lecture), APAO, Guangzhou, March 2015
474. Ocular surface in LASIK, (Invited lecture), APAO, Guangzhou, March 2015
475. The 6/6 unhappy LASIK patient, (Invited lecture), APAO, Guangzhou, March 2015
476. Tips for publishing a paper, (Invited lecture), Guwahati, May 2015
477. Petrygium, (Invited lecture), Guwahati, May 2015
478. Itchy burnt eye, (Invited lecture), Guwahati, May 2015
479. Ocular surface reconstruction, (Invited lecture), Guwahati, May 2015
480. LASIK screening, (Invited lecture), Jalna, June 2015
481. LASIK MK, (Invited lecture), Jalna, June 2015
482. LASIK Femto, (Invited lecture), Jalna, June 2015
483. LASIK complications, (Invited lecture), Jalna, June 2015
484. Surgical procedures and dry eye, (Invited lecture), Chennai, June 2015
485. Sterile vitrifies in MOOKP, (Invited lecture), Chennai, June 2015
486. HOST, (Invited lecture), Ipoh, June 2015
487. HOST, (Invited lecture), Penang, June 2015
488. HOST, (Invited lecture), KL, June 2015
489. Ocular surface disease, (Invited lecture), KL, June 2015
490. HOST, (Invited lecture), HK, June 2015
491. Surgical options in LSC deficiency, (Invited lecture), Madurai, July 2015
492. SF IOL, (Invited lecture), Madurai, July 2015
493. Corneal infections, (Invited lecture), Madurai, July 2015
494. DSEK, (Invited lecture), Madurai, July 2015
495. Tear substitiutes, (Invited lecture), Madurai, July 2015
496. Anterior segment manifestations of systemic disease, (Invited lecture), Kolkata, August 2015
497. Ocular surface disease, (Invited lecture), Kolkata, August 2015
498. Ocular Surface Disorders, (Invited Lecture), Kalpavriksha, Chennai, August 2015
499. Corneal Ectasia Management, (Invited Lecture), Kalpavriksha, Chennai August 2015
500. Differential diagnosis of Keratitis, (Invited Lecture), Kalpavriksha, Chennai August 2015
501. Managing corneal inflammations, (Invited Lecture), Kalpavriksha, Chennai August 2015
502. Stem cells in Ophthalmology, (Invited Lecture), Kalpavriksha, Chennai August 2015
503. HOST, (Invited lecture), Singapore, August 2015
504. DALK, (Invited lecture), Ethiopia, September 2015
505. DSEK, (Invited lecture), Ethiopia, September 2015
506. LSC deficiency, (Invited lecture), Ethiopia, September 2015
507. Pterygium, (Invited lecture), Ethiopia, September 2015
508. Recent advances in Corneal Surgery, (Gold Medal Oration), Kolkata, November 2015
509. Viral keratoconjunctivitis, (Invited lecture), Chennai, November 2015
510. Ocular surface disease, (Invited lecture), Chennai, November 2015
511. Tear substitutes, (Invited lecture), Chennai, November 2015
512. Refractive surgery, (Invited lecture), Chennai, November 2015
513. Lasik complications, (Invited Lecture), Kolkata, January 2016
514. OSD – an update, (Invited Lecture), Pondicherry, January 2016
515. LASIK and Topography, (Invited Lecture), Chennai, February 2016
516. What’s new in Ocular Surface Disease, (Invited Lecture), Kolkata, March 2016
517. Scleral, Corneal and Uveal Disease, (Invited Lecture), SN, Chennai, March 2016
518. Scleral surgery, (Invited Lecture), SN, Chennai, March 2016
519. Combating Ocular Surface Diseases, ORATION, Trivandrum, April 2016
520. Manual DSEK Dissection, (Invited Lecture), Ethiopia, April 2016
521. Postoperative care in DSEK, (Invited Lecture), Ethiopia, April 2016
522. Managing the postoperative ocular surface, (Invited Lecture), Trichy, April 2016
523. LASIK evaluation, LASIK workshop, (Invited Lecture), Mumbai, November 2018
524. Managing dryeye, (Invited lecture), Kurnool, May 2016
525. Limbal stem cell disease, (Invited Lecture), RIOGOH, Chennai, May 2016
526. Conjunctival diseases, (Invited Lecture), Thrissur, August 2016
527. Anterior segment reconstruction, (Invited Lecture), Thrissur, August 2016
528. Chemical injuries, (Invited Lecture), Thrissur, August 2016
529. Pterygium, (Invited Lecture), Thrissur, August 2016
530. Corneal lamellar transplants, (Chairman and Invited Lectures), Vellore, August 2016
531. Stem cell transplants, (Chairman and Invited Lectures), Vellore, August 2016
532. What’s new in Cornea, (Invited Lecture), Pondicherry, October 2016
533. CXL, (Invited Lecture), Chennai, November 2016
534. Keratoprosthesis, (Invited Lecture), Bangalore, December 2016
535. Ocular Surface Diseases, (Invited Lecture), Chennai, January 2017
536. Dry eye management, (Invited Lecture), Thrissur, February 2017
537. Therapeutic PK, (Invited Lecture), Calicut, April 2017
538. Corneal infections, (Invited Lecture), Cochin, May 2017
539. Tectonic corneal surgery, (Invited Lecture), Cochin, May 2017
540. Ocular Surface Disease, (Invited Lecture), Moscow, June 2017
541. SF IOL, (Invited Lectures), Erode, August 2017
542. Toric iOL, (Invited Lectures), Erode, August 2017
543. Webcast on Ocular Surface Diseases, (Invited Lecture), Chennai, September 2017
544. Webcast on Ocular Surface Diseases, (Invited Lecture), Chennai, October 2017
545. Corneal topography, (Invited Lectures), Coimbatore, October 2017
546. Therapeutic PK, (Invited Lectures), HK, February 2018
547. Lamellar corneal surgery, (Invited Lectures), HK, February 2018
548. Keratoprosthesis, (Invited Lectures), HK, February 2018
549. Webcast on Ocular Surface Diseases, (Invited Lecture), Chennai, April 2018
550. Complicated phaco, (Invited Lectures), Tirunelveli, June 2018
551. IOL power calculations, (Invited Lectures), Tirunelveli, June 2018
552. Small pupil phaco, (Invited Lectures), Mangalore, July 2018
554. Corneal Problems in cataract surgery, (Invited Lectures), Mangalore, July 2018
554. SF IOL, (Invited Lectures), Mangalore, July 2018
555. Pediatric cataract surgery , (Invited Lectures), Mangalore, July 2018
556. LASIK complications, (Invited Lectures), Mangalore, July 2018
557. Epithelial cyst management, (Invited Lectures), Chennai, July 2018
558. Managing and preventing post cataract infections, (Invited Lecture), Chennai, July 2018
559. Lamellar corneal surgery, (Keynote Lecture), Kolkata, August 2018
560. DSAEK, (Invited Lectures), October 2018
561. Ocular surface disease management, (Invited Lectures), October 2018
562. Preoperative evaluation, (Chief Resource Person), Mumbai, November 2018
563. Safe LASIK surgery, (Chief Resource Person), Mumbai, November 2018
564. LASIK complication management, (Chief Resource Person), Mumbai, November 2018
565. Ocular surface disease, (invited Lectures), Mumbai, November 2018
566. Alcon Ad Board Meet, (Chairman), Mumbai, November 2018
567. Advanced Surface Ablation, LASIK workshop, (Invited Lecture), Mumbai, November 2018
568. Managing OS problems after surgery, BOA, (Invited Lecture), Mumbai, November 2018
569. LSC deficiency management, BOA, (Invited Lecture), Mumbai, November 2018
570. Ocular surface staining, BOA, (Invited Lecture), Mumbai, November 2018
571. Pterygium, (Invited Lectures), Trivandrum, December 2018
572. Algorithmic approach to dry eye, (Invited Lectures), Trivandrum, December 2018
573. LASIK – choosing the right patient, (Invited Lecture), Chennai, January 2019
574. Corneal topography, (Invited Lectures), Trichy, February 2019
575. Specular microscopy, (Invited Lectures), Trichy, February 2019
576. Corneal evaluation, (Invited Lectures), Trichy, February 2019
577. Therapeutic PK, (Invited Lectures), Bangkok, March 2019
578. Diagnosing the red eye, (Invited Lectures), Bangkok, March 2019
579. Adenoviral keratoconunctivitis, (Invited Lectures), May 2019
580. Corneal topography, (Invited Lectures), Trichy, February 2019
581. Preventing endophthalmitis, (Chairman and Invited Lectures), May 2019
582. Algorithmic approach to diagnosing dry eye, (Invited Lectures), Vododara, June 2019
583. Corneal staining, (Invited Lectures), Vododara, June 2019
584. Mesh based approach to treating dry eye, (Invited Lectures), Vododara, June 2019
585. DEWS II in the indian context, (Invited Lectures), Vododara, June 2019
586. PED, (Invited Lectures), Vododara, June 2019
587. Allergies other than Vernal, (Invited Lectures), Vododara, June 2019
598. Preoperative evaluation LASIK, (Invited Lectures), Bangalore, June 2019
589. Surgical technique LASIK, (Invited Lectures), Bangalore, June 2019
590. Complication management LASIK, (Invited Lectures), Bangalore, June 2019
591. Corneal crystals, (Invited Lecture), Kunming, China, June 2019
592. Dry eye diagnosis, (Invited Lecture), National Webcast, July 2019
593. Clinical tests for diagnosing dry eye, (Invited Lecture), TNOA, Salem, August 2019
594. Surgical management of Dry Eye, (Invited Lecture), TNOA, Salem, August 2019
595. Optimal use diagnostic tests in Dry eye, (Invited Lecture), Kolkata, August 2019
596. Optimal use diagnostic tests in Dry eye, (Invited Lecture), Chennai, August 2019
597. Managing Dry eye disease, (Invited Lecture), Chennai, August 2019
598. Corneal infections, (Invited Lecture), Chennai, August 2019
599. Ocular allergies, (Invited Lecture), Chennai, August 2019
600. Optimal use diagnostic tests in Dry eye, (Invited Lecture), Chennai, August 2019
601. DALK and DSEK, (Invited Lecture), RIOGOH, August 2019
602. PK and DLAK, (Invited Lecture), Eye Bank Meet, Chennai, September 2019
603. Mesh based approach to Dry Eye Management, (invited Lecture), Chennai, September 2019
604. Clinical diagnosis of Dry Eye, (Invited Lecture), Colombo, September 2019
605. DSEK – A guide, (Invited Lecture), Colombo, September 2019
606. DEWS II in the Indian Context, (Invited Lecture), Chennai, October 2019
607. Nummular Keratitis, (Invited Lecture), Hyderabad, October 2019
608. Dry Eye Management, (Invited Lecture), Chennai, October 2019
609. Corneal Topography, (Invited Lecture), Pondicherry, December 2019
610. Refractive treatment in Pediatric Cataract Surgery, (Invited Lecture), Chennai, December 2019
611. Systemic evaluation in Dry Eye, (Invited Lecture), Kumarakom, December 2019
612. Ocular Inflammation, (Panelist), Kumarakom, December 2019
613. DALK, (Panelist), Kumarakom, December 2019
614. Autoimmune diseases of the Eye, (Panelist), Kumarakom, December 2019
615. Ocular Surface Reconstruction, (Panelist), Kumarakom, December 2019
616. Understanding Corneal Topography, (Invited Lecture), ISCKRS, Pune, January 2020
617. Preventing infections after Cataract surgery, (Invited Lecture), Erudio, Bangalore, January 2020
618. Lamellar corneal surgery, (Invited Lecture), Erudio, Bangalore, January 2020
619. Reflections on my Journey so Far, (Invited Lecture), Hyderabad, January 2020
620. My approach to Dry Eye, (Invited Lecture), Hyderabad, January 2020
621. Chemical injuries, (Invited Lecture), New Delhi, January 2020
622. Ocular Surface Diseases, (Invited Lecture), New Delhi, January 2020
623. Ocular Surface Diseases, (Invited Lecture), Vellore, January 2020
624. Keratoconus and Contact Lenses, (Invited Lecture), Chennai, February 2020
625. Covid and Corneal Practice, (Invited Lecture), Webinar, April 2020
626. Corneal Topography, (Invited Lecture), Webinar, April 2020
627. Algorithm for Recurrent Pterygium Management, (Invited Lecture), Webinar, May 2020
629. Post Keratoplasty Astigmatism, (Panelist), Webinar, June 2020
630. Dry Eye – A patient perspective, (Invited Lecture), Webinar, April 2020
631. Chemical Injury – Management in the Acute Stage, (Invited Lecture), Webinar, April 2020
632. Red Eye, (Invited Lecture), Webinar, April 2020
633. Ocular Surface Staining, (Invited Lecture), Webinar, April 2020
634. Algorithm for Recurrent Pterygium Management, (Invited Lecture), Webinar, May 2020
635. Post Keratoplasty Astigmatism, (Panelist), Webinar, June 2020
636. Chemical Injury – Management in the Acute Stage, (Invited Lecture), Webinar, June 2020
637. Ocular Surface Staining, (Invited Lecture), Santen, June 2020
638. Corneal Topography, (Invited Lecture), Webinar, June 2020
639. Microbiology and pathology in Cornea, (Panelist), Webinar, June 2020
640. Phaco in Corneal Pathologies, (Panelist), Webinar, July 2020
641. Cornea and Rheumatology, (Panelist), Webinar, July 2020
642. Allergan International Speaker Program, (Invited Lecture), July 2020
643. Cornea and Rheumatology II, (Panelist), Webinar, August 2020
644. DED, TN Optometry Association, (Invited Lecture), Webinar, August 2020
645. Allergan Focus Group Meet, (Moderator), Webinar, August 2020
646. Management of MGD, (Invited Lecture), Webinar, August 2020
647. Algortihmic approach to DED, (Invited Lecture), Webinar, Cochin, August 2020
648. Immune Mediated DED and PUK, (Panelist), Webinar, August 2020
649. Eye Banking, (Panelist), Webinar, August 2020
650. MGD in DED, (Invited Lecture), Webinar, RIOGOH, September 2020
651. Ocular Surface Staining, (Invited Lecture), Webinar, Kera-Connect, September 2020
652. Astigmatism in Toric IOLs, (Invited Lecture, Moderator), Webinar, September 2020
653. Intraoperative factors in Toric IOLs, (Invited Lecture, Moderator), Webinar, September 2020
654. Refractive Surgery Screening, (Invited Lecture, Moderator), Webinar, LVP, September 2020
655. Fluorescein Staining, (Invited Lecture, Moderator), Webinar, AIOS-Santen, September 2020
656. Ocular Surface Inflammation, (Invited Lecture), Webinar, Kolkata, October 2020
657. Dry eye disease, (Invited Lecture), Webinar, Chennai, October 2020
658. Dye-namics, (Invited Lecture), Webinar, AIOS, November 2020
659. Approach to dry eye, Santen Training the Trainer, (Invited Lecture), Webinar, December 2020
660. Fluorescein staining, Santen Training the Trainer, (Invited Lecture), Webinar, December 2020
661. Approach to ocular surface disorders, iFocus, (Invited Lecture), Webinar, December 2020
662. Approach to dry eye, Alcon International dry eye Meet, (Invited Lecture), Webinar, February 2021
663. Diagnosing dry eye, Alcon International dry eye Meet, (Invited Lecture), Webinar, March 2021
664. Therapeutic keratoplasty, LVP corneal infections Meet, (Invited Lecture), Webinar, March 2021
665. Managing dry eye, Alcon International dry eye Meet, (Invited Lecture), Webinar, April 2021
666. Ocular surface inflammation, (Invited Lecture), Webinar, Catalyst. April 2021
667. Pterygium surgery, (Invited Lecture), Webinar, Catalyst. June 2021
668. Tectonic corneal surgery, (Invited Lecture), Webinar, SRMC, September 2021
669. Infection vs Inflammation, (Invited Lecture), Webinar, TNOA, September 2021
670. Ocular surface inflammation, (Invited Lecture), Webinar, TNOA, September 2021
671. Lids and Lashes in OS inflammation, (Invited Lecture), Webinar, APAO, September 2021
672. Fluorescein Staining, Santen Train the Trainer, (Invited Panelist), Webinar, October 2021
673. MGD, Dhristi Meet (Invited Panelist), Webinar, January 2022
674. Fluorescein Staining, EBAI Meet, (Invited Panelist), Webinar, March 2022
675. Alcon Ad Board, (Invited Panelist), Webinar, May 2022
676. Dry eye, (Invited Panelist), Webinar, May 2022
677. PMD, TNOA Connect, (Invited Panelist), Webinar, May 2022
678. Corneal Infections – Diagnosis, CORNEA, Darshan CME, June 2022
679. Managing refractory cases in VKC, (Invited Lecture), Webinar, July 2022
680. Lids – the gate keeper of the eye, (Invited Keynote Lecture), BOS, July 2022
681. DED – diagnosis made simple, (Invited Keynote Lecture), TNOA Coimbatore, August 2022
682. A new generation IOL material, (Invited Speaker), TNOA Coimbatore, August 2022
683. Dr G Mukherjee Oration, (Invited Oration), ISCKRS, Delhi, August 2022
684. Topo Screening for Refractive Surgery, (Invited Keynote Lecture), Chennai, September 2022
685. Inflammation in Dry eye, (Invited Lecture), Webinar, September 2022
686. Resistant to Resistance, (Invited Lecture), TOSCON, Chennai, October 2022
687. My approach to Dry Eye Diagnosis, (Invited Lecture), Kolkata, October 2022
688. Panel discussion on Cataract Complications, (Invited Panelist), Chennai, October 2022
689. Management of ocular surface burns in Firecracker injuries, (Invited Lecture), October 2022
690. Rhexis in Intumescent cataract, (Invited Lecture), OSA, Guwahati, November 2022
691. Evolution of Corneal surgery over the decades, (ORATION), OSA, Guwahati, November 2022
692. The Itchy Burny eye, (Invited Lecture), OSA, Guwahati, November 2022
693. Learning from Mistakes, (Invited Lecture), OSA, Guwahati, November 2022

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